Duct-Free Systems Offer Attractive Energy Efficiency

Air conditioning ductwork can be big, bulky and noisy, making it unattractive and often a nuisance. In some cases, such as an installation in a historic landmark where the old-fashioned appearance needs to remain unscathed, the addition of unsightly ductwork is out of the question. The expense of the installation of a fully ducted system might also make it cost-prohibitive.

In applications where there is no practical way to install ductwork, a duct-free system offers an economical and energy efficient, as well as a much more attractive and creative, alternative.

Operating through a combination of an outdoor condensing unit and one of three styles of compact indoor fan coil units connected by a refrigerant tubing and wire system, a duct-free configuration can meet any installation requirement. Whether those fan coils are installed on a wall, under the ceiling or inside a suspended ceiling, duct-free installations are perfect for instances where air conditioning is added to areas without existing ductwork, in additions to existing rooms, in areas with little available space, and any place with a historical significance where the appearance needs to be maintained.

Designed primarily to go where no duct can, duct-free systems are quieter thanks to the lack of the noise caused by air being forced through the ductwork, and also more efficient and economical, because no energy is lost through a forced air system. The duct-free units are designed for years of problem-free use. Individual controls maintain rooms at maximum comfort, and eliminate hot and cold spots.

The units are also easy on the eye, with a compact size and neutral colors that give them the ability to be installed anywhere and fit in with any décor.

For professional information on any of our ductless offerings, call A & J Installation at 845-357-0275 or email info@ajinstallation.com

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